Help your business grow with the help of a business under a CPA and EA licensee with over 20 years of diverse experience. Services provided range from formation advisory and assistance to dissolution and structured business sales (and everything in between). Small and medium sized business owners are welcome, and we provide "hands on" professional support without judgment. A good CPA- client relationship is built on trust and the sharing of knowledge, tips, and positive support.
Calico CPA is dedicated to all tax work- from consultation and preparation to audit representation and debt resolution such as Offers In Compromise. This variety keeps use current on tax law and always ready for the toughest situations that a business or individual can face. We have significant expertise in a wide range of industries, including those listed on the Expertise tab. We know what to ask, what to do, and how to do it. We also pride ourselves in being "straight shooters". We won't convince a taxpayer to do something just to inflate fees, and we always try to present options in a truly objective way. No sugar-coating here.
We have developed personalized strategies for both business and individual clients. As a full-time and year-round accounting and tax business, we have the knowledge to know what works well. Besides tax and business consulting, we help with retirement planning, budgeting, and much more. Getting a little extra help from qualified professionals is something many can use.
Located in Highland Park, NJ- right across the bridge from New Brunswick.
Appointments and consultations available:
Any travel must be within reasonable proximity to Highland Park, and would be coordinated based on availability
NOTE: Office location moved to 106 Woodbridge Avenue (Storefront) on 1/1/2023
106 Woodbridge Avenue, Highland Park, New Jersey 08904, United States
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IRS Circular 230 Notice: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, Calico CPA LLC is informing you that any U.S. tax advice contained in the entries of my site or newsletter blog (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed here.
If you need professional tax advice and want to rely upon my expertise and opinion, contact me to work under a paid engagement. The information in the blogs or newsletters may change, and the postings are not constantly updated to reflect changes.
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