We offer up-front pricing quotes for most standard and predictable services, including tax preparation, tax planning and advice, Offers In Compromises and other tax debt resolution, audit support and more.
A range is usually offered for a first timer, and we make a true effort to understand your situation before offering a rate. We will honor it if the information communicated to us in advance reflects the work we eventually do.
We charge based on a combination of the complexity, experience and knowledge needed to assist, time involved, and similar factors. Due to high demand and not unlimited capacity, please note our services are best for those who see value in an experienced CPA/ Enrolled Agent firm. We are not the most expensive, but we also not the cheapest or looking to engage with those shopping on price alone. We have minimum rates to work with a new client on any matter.
Check out our pricing sheet below. The firm is not always accepting new clients, but we will generally give a quote during most parts of the year, excluding a few peak parts of the tax season.
Thank you for your potential interest in working with us.
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If you need professional tax advice and want to rely upon my expertise and opinion, contact me to work under a paid engagement. The information in the blogs or newsletters may change, and the postings are not constantly updated to reflect changes.
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